Blackheads, pimples, and other types of acne can create noticeable scars on your face. If you would like to minimize these imperfections, you should receive a comfortable best acne scar treatment from the experts at Dermatology & Skin Care Associates in West Chester, OH. We can use microneedling, laser energy, and many other methods to reduce the prominence of your scars and enhance the texture of your skin.
Is Acne Scar Treatment Permanent?
Since we can use laser treatments and a wide variety of other techniques to address your acne scars, the duration of your results will vary. Some of these treatments will change the appearance of your skin for several months or years, while other treatments will permanently decrease the visibility of your scars. For example, receiving one of our powerful laser treatments may create permanent improvements in the acne scars on your face.
Alternatively, you may achieve lasting changes in your scars by getting a series of microneedling sessions. After your sessions are finished, you may decide to prolong your initial benefits by getting a microneedling treatment once every 12 months. After we have assessed your scars and picked a suitable treatment for you, we will give you more information about the likely length of your results.
What Techniques Can I Use To Improve My Scars?
The type of acne scar treatment that you receive will depend on the type of scars that you have, the sensitivity of your skin, and your personal preferences. When you begin your initial consultation at our West Chester office, we will provide you with detailed descriptions of our full range of treatments.
Microneedling Treatments
Microneedling is a scar reduction method that will use your natural healing abilities to minimize your imperfections. Under most circumstances, we advise you to increase your formation of new collagen proteins by receiving a series of microneedling treatments. Collagen is an important protein that can smooth your skin and reduce the prominence of your wrinkles and scars.
We will start your microneedling sessions by cleaning your target area and using medication to numb your tissues. Next, we will use a handheld device to make very tiny channels in your skin. After we create these tiny puncture wounds, you will begin to make new tissues and collagen proteins. As you heal these channels, your scars will gradually fade away.
Laser Genesis Sessions
We can also use Laser Genesis treatments to improve your scars and renew your skin. This quick and easy best acne scar treatments can correct enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation challenges, lines, and many other issues. At the beginning of your treatment, we will clean your skin and give you protective gear to wear over your eyes. As we use a YAG laser to gently warm your skin, you might feel like you are relaxing on a sunny beach.
It will usually take us about 30 to 60 minutes to address your acne scars and other skin problems. Since this laser session will feel very comfortable, you will usually be able to go to your workplace or return home as soon as you have finished your session. As you make new collagen proteins during the next several days, your scars and other imperfections will become less prominent.
TotalFX Fractional Laser Treatments
During a TotalFX fractional laser treatment, we will use laser energy to target select areas in your skin. This advanced technology will allow us to fix your acne scars without causing you to experience a lengthy period of downtime. We will use specialized techniques to help you feel calm and comfortable while we reduce the visibility of your scars.
As we use laser energy to minimize your acne scars, you may notice a mild change in the temperature of your skin. Once we complete this process, we will provide you with a personalized set of skincare instructions. In particular, we may tell you not to apply makeup for about seven days. During the next three to six months, your scars, wrinkles, and other skin problems will gradually become less noticeable.
Can I Use Aesthetic Treatments To Improve My Blackheads and Other Blemishes?
It’s common to deal with acne scars and visible acne breakouts at the same time. Fortunately, we can use gentle methods to reduce the severity of your breakouts and decrease your risk of developing additional scars on your face and other locations. For example, we may advise you to treat large blemishes by receiving injections.
In addition, you might be able to clear up your skin by taking a prescription medication called isotretinoin or receiving a comfortable laser light treatment called phototherapy. Similarly, getting HydraFacial treatments can reduce the frequency of your breakouts by moisturizing your tissues, cleaning your pores, and exfoliating your skin.
Address Your Acne Scars
If you are tired of using concealer and other types of makeup to cover your acne scars, don’t worry. You can use laser treatments, microneedling, and other gentle methods to fade your scars and smooth your skin. If you would like to hear more about our full range of acne scar treatments, you should schedule your consultation at Dermatology & Skin Care Associates in West Chester, OH.