Dermatology and Skin Care Associates
How Long Does Restylane Last?

How Long Does Restylane Last?

Are you looking to take your appearance to the next level? If so, Restylane may be right for you. At Dermatology & Skin Care Associates in West Chester, OH, we offer this injectable filler to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles and volumize the lips. Keep reading...
What is Dysport?

What is Dysport?

Are you looking for a treatment that can smooth away wrinkles without surgery? At Dermatology & Skin Care Associates in West Chester, OH, we have a solution: Dysport, which is recommended for men and women hoping to enjoy a more youthful appearance. This Dysport...
Are TruSculpting Results Permanent?

Are TruSculpting Results Permanent?

The TruSculpting ID device harnesses the power of radiofrequency energy to enhance the contours of regions with excess fat. It is FDA-approved for most individuals and is one of the most effective fat removal treatments on the market. Today, our experts at Dermatology...
What Should You Expect From Mole Removal Treatment?

What Should You Expect From Mole Removal Treatment?

Have you noticed a few suspicious-looking moles on your skin? Have you considered getting a mole removed for personal reasons? Mole removal is a very common and simple treatment that can usually be done in one office visit at the Dermatology and Skin Care Associates...
How Often Should You Get Ultherapy?

How Often Should You Get Ultherapy?

At Dermatology & Skin Care Associates in West Chester, OH, we proudly offer several aesthetic services to help our clients boost their self-esteem and care for the health of their skin. Today, we’re talking about one of our most popular aesthetic services....