Dermatology and Skin Care Associates

Warts are usually a harmless nuisance that may go away in time. Sometimes, warts can be painful, and they are usually always unattractive. Warts on the feet can be especially painful. Fortunately, there are various treatment options for wart removal.

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus family, which has more than 100 types of viruses that cause warts. They may appear almost anywhere on your body but are most commonly found on the hands, face and forehead. Some warts grow on the genital area, and plantar warts grow on the bottom of the feet. Other types of warts grow on the fingernails and toenails.

Warts are contagious. They can pass from one person to another if they use the same towel or other object and if a person touches a wart. This is one of the main reasons it is good to remove warts if possible. Some warts may go away on their own after months or years, but if they are in an embarrassing place such as the face or if they cause irritation from clothing or being rubbed when you walk, it may be better to undergo professional wart removal than to wait years for them to disappear on their own.

When you have a consultation with our specialist, you can learn about the different methods of wart removal. One of the most common treatments our specialist may prescribe involves the use of liquid nitrogen, which basically freezes away the wart. Also known as cryotherapy, this process may need to be done multiple times to get the best results.

Once a wart is removed, it usually doesn’t come back. This is because the immune system of your body gets rid of the small amount of wart-causing virus left after the treatment.

If you have warts that bother you or look unattractive, our team at Dermatology & Skincare Associates can help with wart removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation in West Chester and learn more about your treatment options.