Dermatology and Skin Care Associates

Photodynamic therapy is also referred to as PDT. This type of therapy uses a combination of light and specialized substances called photosensitizing agents to kill cancerous cells. The administration of the photosensitizing agent is dependent on the area of the body being treated. Once the agent has been administered, the cancer cells will gradually absorb it. Light is then applied to the treatment area. This causes a reaction between the oxygen and the drug forming a chemical capable of killing the cancer cells. Studies have revealed when photodynamic therapy in West Chester, Ohio is used, it can be as effective as radiation therapy or surgery for the treatment of specific types of cancer. This type of therapy has numerous benefits including:

• There are no side effects
• It works on all skin tones
• The therapy can be precisely targeted
• PDT is less invasive than surgery
• Only a short period of time is required

Photodynamic therapy in West Chester, Ohio can help individuals with specific types of cancer improve the quality of their lives and live longer. PDT is still being studied in clinical trials and is offered in a wide range of treatment centers. This type of therapy has received recognition as a valuable option for treatment of cancers that are localized. These are cancers that have not spread much from where they first originated. The treatment session itself can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours or more, depending on the area being treated.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

If you have already been diagnosed with cancer or if you are displaying the symptoms, it is incredibly important you call for a consultation. Photodynamic therapy may be able to help you extend your life and improve the quality of your days. Feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Dermatology & Skin Care Associates! At our convenient location in West Chester, OH, our devoted team of professionals will be ready and eager to explain the process in greater detail and address any questions or concerns you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to meeting with you.