Chemical peel treatments can make a tremendous difference in the appearance of your skin when you are dealing with problems like scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, or discoloration. A medical-grade peel can lift pigment, brighten your complexion, smooth texture, and completely rejuvenate your skin.
It is important to keep in mind that chemical peels come in different varieties that are suited for individual skin conditions and goals. That is why it is important to educate yourself about the different types of peels so that you can find one that is right for your individual wants and needs.
Superficial or Light
A light chemical peel involves the use of gentle acids. These acids have the ability to penetrate the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis. Light peels represent a gentle type of exfoliation that may be used in the treatment of rough skin and mild skin discoloration.
A medium chemical peel aims to penetrate both the outer and middle skin layers to remove old, damaged skin tissue. If you are dealing with problems like age spots, acne, wrinkles, or freckles, a medium chemical peel may be your best choice.
A deep peel treatment penetrates deep into the dermis layer of skin. Deep peels are effective in removing moderate lines, age spots, scars, freckles, and discoloration. Deep peels require more healing for skin remodeling.
Preparing for Chemical Peels
You can give yourself your best chance of achieving optimal results by properly undergoing certain preparations before your chemical peel treatment. For example, you should also remain hydrated prior to your peel treatment. This is because dehydration can make your skin more sensitive.
You can get all the information you’ll need during a consultation with our team at Dermatology & Skincare Associates in West Chester, OH. Contact us today and book an appointment!